Greenlight Guru: Ingrid Graham of Collaboration Movement

Greenlight Guru is an interview series that highlights artists across disciplines who have created projects and businesses around their art. I'm delighted to have the lovely and talented Ingrid Graham of Collaboration Movement launch this series!

Greenlight Yourself
Ingrid Graham. Photographed by Martha Benedict for the Los Angeles Women in Theatre Festival.

"The minute you embark on your passion project, your perspective changes. You are inspired and you thrive." Ingrid Graham

GY: Ingrid, please tell us about your passion project.
IG: My current passion project is my dance company Collaboration Movement which involves choreography, performing, teaching and films. I started the company because I wanted a vehicle for my choreography and I wanted to dance again. Dance is a huge part of my essence. I love performing work that I have choreographed and it's exciting for me to see my choreography interpreted by dancers as well.

What has been the best part of your venture?
The best part has been watching my dream flourish. There have been so many outlets for my work. I have seen opportunities present themselves through the formation of my company that I am so grateful for. For example, my dance films have screened and received honors all over the US and internationally. I have also had the privilege of working with outstanding artists in all genres of the arts.

What has been your greatest lesson?
My greatest lesson has been to follow my heart. I encountered a lot of opposition in the creation of my dance company. Friends, colleagues and acquaintances tried to dissuade me from pursuing this endeavor. I am thrilled that I never listened to them. In the end, we all know what we want to do with our lives. Don't let fear paralyze you. Ask for help if you need it. If you are following a dream and working hard to achieve it, I believe you will make it. It takes persistence, vision and optimism.

If you had it to do all over again, what would you do differently, if anything?
Since I started the company I have been focusing more on solo work. I'm now working on a solo show and I have to say I absolutely love it! In my first year, the focus of my work was ensemble pieces. I think this experience helped me realize that I needed to be dancing more.

Why do you think passion projects are important?
I think passion projects are a necessity. So many people I meet are just trying to "survive." The minute you embark on a passion project your perspective changes. You are inspired and you thrive. I think everyone should experience this feeling at some point in their life.

Greenlight Yourself
Tell us about some of the career benefits you've experienced as a result of doing your own thing.
I have collaborated with poets, musicians and directors on film projects and my choreography has been selected for a variety of international festivals. Most recently, I've been approached about hosting a dance series for upcoming artists across the US.

How do you handle the weight of being the boss?
I love being the boss! I think there are certain personalities that gravitate to this role. I surround myself with honest, motivated, reliable and dedicated people. That is the key to success.

What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant about going out on his or her own?
Don't hesitate! Begin your dream venture today. Write down your goal in one sentence and decide the necessary steps to make it a reality. A dream requires action to manifest. One hour a day should be devoted to your dream. Most importantly, give yourself mini goals with deadlines. The subconscious mind will procrastinate for years. A deadline holds you accountable and ensures that you will achieve your trajectory.


Next up for Ingrid are performances at Let's Dance International Festival in Leicester, England this May. Visit Collaboration Movement for more information and check out the video below for highlights of Ingrid's career. 


  1. Ms Graham performed a solo at our Westwave Dance Festival, San Francisco's oldest dance festival. With just one dance, she introduces herself to words are needed. Every movement in her solo was filled with passion. She dances as if it was going to be the last time she'd ever dance. I have a feeling, she dances like that most if not all the time. Her movements were so firggin strong, yet very feminine. Amazing. If you get a chance to see either her dance or others perform her work - don't miss the show. You'll love the powerful grace she brings to bear...

    Jim Tobin
    Founder, writer

    1. Thank you Jim! Your words have indeed captured the essence of Ms. Graham. Her dancing is the epitome of powerful grace! Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts.


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