25 Tips to Juice Your Creativity & Catapult Your Career

Let's be honest, building a successful career is a lot of work and building a crave-worthy creative career is really tough. Sometimes you get overwhelmed or feel downright uninspired. But don't be discouraged! I've composed a list of twenty-five tips you can use to get your creativity flowing and keep you on the crave-worthy career path. Go ahead, soak 'em up and share them with your fellow creatives!

Greenlight Yourself Career Tips

  1. Get clarity on your career goals. Write a mission statement that excites you.
  2. Stick a post-it with your artistic and career goals on your mirror or computer. Glance at it daily.
  3. Keep your enthusiasm for your work by reminding yourself each day why you love what you do.
  4. Be accountable. Find a buddy and meet weekly via phone, Skype or in person.
  5. Expand your network. Success is not created in a vacuum.
  6. Strengthen your network. Stay in touch and share resources/news with new contacts. Don’t just collect business cards.
  7. Give yourself credit. Pursuing your dreams is amazing!
  8. Take a look at your daily activities. Are they helping or hindering you?
  9. Avoid autopilot. Be aware of each decision you make and why.
  10. Success comes in many forms. Decide what success means for you and avoid comparing yourself to others.
  11. Use the barter system but make sure the trade is equitable.

Greenlight Guru: Ingrid Graham of Collaboration Movement

Greenlight Guru is an interview series that highlights artists across disciplines who have created projects and businesses around their art. I'm delighted to have the lovely and talented Ingrid Graham of Collaboration Movement launch this series!

Greenlight Yourself
Ingrid Graham. Photographed by Martha Benedict for the Los Angeles Women in Theatre Festival.

"The minute you embark on your passion project, your perspective changes. You are inspired and you thrive." Ingrid Graham

GY: Ingrid, please tell us about your passion project.
IG: My current passion project is my dance company Collaboration Movement which involves choreography, performing, teaching and films. I started the company because I wanted a vehicle for my choreography and I wanted to dance again. Dance is a huge part of my essence. I love performing work that I have choreographed and it's exciting for me to see my choreography interpreted by dancers as well.

What has been the best part of your venture?
The best part has been watching my dream flourish. There have been so many outlets for my work. I have seen opportunities present themselves through the formation of my company that I am so grateful for. For example, my dance films have screened and received honors all over the US and internationally. I have also had the privilege of working with outstanding artists in all genres of the arts.

What has been your greatest lesson?
My greatest lesson has been to follow my heart. I encountered a lot of opposition in the creation of my dance company. Friends, colleagues and acquaintances tried to dissuade me from pursuing this endeavor. I am thrilled that I never listened to them. In the end, we all know what we want to do with our lives. Don't let fear paralyze you. Ask for help if you need it. If you are following a dream and working hard to achieve it, I believe you will make it. It takes persistence, vision and optimism.

If you had it to do all over again, what would you do differently, if anything?
Since I started the company I have been focusing more on solo work. I'm now working on a solo show and I have to say I absolutely love it! In my first year, the focus of my work was ensemble pieces. I think this experience helped me realize that I needed to be dancing more.

Why do you think passion projects are important?
I think passion projects are a necessity. So many people I meet are just trying to "survive." The minute you embark on a passion project your perspective changes. You are inspired and you thrive. I think everyone should experience this feeling at some point in their life.

Is Your Lack of Focus Preventing Your Success?

One of the biggest challenges artists (and producers) face is choosing between the scores of great ideas we have on a daily basis. If you're anything like me, you can't resist diving into a shiny new idea. After all, it's bright and sparkly and filled with limitless possibilities. But if you're not careful, you can quickly end up with piles of barely begun projects which can lead to stagnation and frustration.

That's where the Big D of Discipline comes into play. Truth time. Discipline has never been one of my strong suits. I often need a taskmaster to keep me on track and in the absence of said master, I'll wile away my hours dabbling with whatever idea tickles my fancy while perusing fashion blogs and watching General Hospital reruns. As a function of discipline, focus is one of the most important tools in your toolbox.

When the lure of a shiny new project is beckoning you, consult your mission statement and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is this project in line with my vision?
  • Will this project get me closer to my goals for the week/month/year?
  • Will I be more fulfilled by taking on this project right now?
  • Do I have the resources necessary to make it a success? If not, is there someone who can provide or connect me with those resources?
  • Is there real value in pursuing this project over my current commitments?

If you answered 'yes' more than you answered 'no,' go for it. Figure out how you can make it happen without seriously depleting yourself, creating stress or hindering your current projects. If you answered 'no' more often, perhaps it's not the best time for you to take on a new project. And remember, sometimes a 'no' is really a 'not right now.'

I highly recommend keeping a running log of projects that you'd love to tackle just as soon as you get the time and/or connections you need. By keeping a list of 'In the Very Near Future' projects, you'll always have a clear idea of what's coming up next for you. A list helps you stay focused without feeling like you're stifling your creativity. It's a win-win!

What tricks do you use to help stay focused? Don't be shy, pony up in the comments below!


Hello!! My name is Patranila Jefferson and I'm super excited to launch Greenlight Yourself: The Lifestyle Manual for Creative Entrepreneurs!!

I know what you're thinking. All entrepreneurs are creative, they have to be. And you're absolutely right! Being an entrepreneur requires tremendous creativity, flexibility, resourcefulness and many, many other things! What I mean by 'creative entrepreneurs' in this context is those artsy folks. You know, your actors, your singers, dancers, painters, sculptors...the folks that create and craft things out of thin air and then perform or display them for your enjoyment! And for the record, I count myself among that group for sure. More about my stuff here but for now, back to the mission at hand!

I started Greenlight Yourself because when I was a young actor just starting out, I made an alarming amount of god-awful mistakes with regard to my career decisions. Looking back, I wished I'd had someone who could have given me a tiny bit of real-world advice. Sure there were books on how to make it as an actor but the thing about books is, by the time one is in the 'book writing phase of life' one is usually quite removed from the actual day-to-day hustle. There weren't any resources by people who were in the trenches, sweating it out everyday. That's what I hope Greenlight Yourself will be. An honest, inspiring guide for navigating the often treacherous waters of life in the arts. It is designed to help you create the career you crave.

Each week I'll share resources and tips on career visioning, planning and marketing as well as the latest in entrepreneur style and tech savvy goodness that makes a busy life easier and a little more fun. I'll also profile artists/entrepreneurs whose stories I hope will inspire and encourage you! We'll talk all about the dos and don'ts for career building and focus specifically on how you can take your career into your own hands and Greenlight Yourself!

So, welcome aboard and let's get to it!


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